Thursday, May 31, 2012

jet lag: part two

right now it is 5 in the morning. i woke up about forty minutes ago: @ 4:20am. i hate my body's clock right now... so bad.

there is much to update about my first day in india... so much. but right now, i am a little too lost/confused/frustrated for that.

i want to sleep but i cannot. it probably doesn't help that i couldn't stay up any later than 8:30 pm last night but let me tell you, it was ROUGH making myself stay up even that late. seriously rough. i was dying from about 4pm on. SO EXHAUSTED. how do jetsetting businessfolk do this all the time?!

so i finally slept a good amount of time... 830-430ish... what is that... like eight hours? ok, yes, eight hours. the first time in days of having a full night's sleep... of course unfortunately, again, i am awake in the pitch-darkness of night. it took me twenty minutes to find a light switch [still adjusting to rhee and arun's house]. i have to pee but i can't get the bathroom door to open without it making a ton of noise so i'm... waiting it out? then i thought, okay i'll update the blog about yesterday BUT i can't seem to find the camera bag. i think it's in the guestroom with nick [which also has another bathroom] but i don't want to wake him up... i think he's as light a sleeper as i usually am.

so instead... i'm whining. i know. it's appalling. i'm appalling. i think it's just one of those moments where i need a sec to be like AHHHH what do i do with myself at this godforsaken hour when everyone is sleeping and i can't even figure out a way to go to the bathroom?!

UPDATE: nick saw the light [knew he was a light sleeper] and came out to check on me. "of course you can use the bathroom, bovee!" and he gave me the camera bag. sometimes, i'm an idiot... i know. thank goodness he saved me from a tiny bit of a "feeling sorry for myself" moment. alleluia.

OK.... shortly, i will follow this whining bit with a real post about yesterday. <3

1 comment:

  1. Jet lag is no joke!!! You feel like you are in the land of the walking zombies. I can't wait to read about more of your adventures. I feel like I am "traveling" with you in India. Steve and I are going to Turkey in late fall for 12 days. I think that is the closest I will get to India. Be safe and have an awesome time. XO
